Marie Curie Christmas Bazaar – 2nd, 3rd and 4th November 2023

22nd November 2023

Last year Marie Curie fundraising committee approached us to ask if they could hold their annual Christmas Bazaar here at Hemswell Court. Not having held this event before we were both excited and honoured to be asked as the Marie Curie nurses mean a lot to so many of the staff and our previous owners who were nursed and supported by this wonderful charity.

Plans were made and invites sent to local craft and gift suppliers and very quickly all the spaces were booked.  Although some were a little worried about the new venue and location so much positive feedback has been received on our staff, organisation and venue which we really appreciated.

There were various handmade items, Christmas decorations, gifts and craft stalls which were set up in our ballroom and primrose rooms and Marie Curie staff and volunteers proudly stood in the grand entrance hall with tombola, cakes, merchandise and gift bags to purchase.

Tea, coffee and homemade cakes from our kitchens were on sale in our private drawing room and a lovely memory tree for guests to write messages to loved ones.  We had pride of place at the top of the tree for our message to Rex and Nepi (our previous owners).

As with any event, there is a lot to consider and organise and we are extremely proud to announce that £10561.60 was raised, so a very big well done to all involved in this.  What a remarkable achievement this equates to 459 hours nursing care.

So many wonderful comments have been received on our hardworking staff during the event which makes us as a company very proud of each and everyone.  We are delighted to have been part of this event and look forward to working with everyone again next year.